A Business Center 30 irodaház teljes alapterülete 19.800 m2, amely magában foglalja a háromszintes mélygarázst (221 db parkolóhely), a földszinti területeket és a 8 emeleti szintet. A bérelhető terület összesen 12.900 m2, az általános szintterület 1.770 m2. A szintek akár több külön bejáratú bérleménnyé is oszthatók, melyek akár egyterű irodaként akár válaszfalakkal ellátva biztosítják a Bérlői igényeket. A legkisebb bérelhető terület 200 nm.
Business Center 30 is located on Váci Road in the most dynamically developing and most fashionable business district of downtown Budapest directly across from the West End City Center shopping mall. The office building can be easily reached from any point of the city both by public transportation or car. The BC 30 building has a very pleasant atmosphere with an unique range of services. The building is characterized by sleek architecture and an interior design featuring particularly high quality materials. The total floor space of the BC 30 office building is 19,800 m2, which includes a the three-level underground parking garagefloors (221 lotsspaces), the ground floor premises and the eight upper floors. The totaltotal leasable leasable area is 12,900 m2, and the general floortypical floor size area is 1,770 m2. Each floor can be divided into several units with separate entrances, which can satisfy tenant requirements either as be rented as open-space plan or cellular offices on demand.