CPI Hungary, Energo Hungary join forces for Earth Hour

Earth Hour, initiated by WWF, was joined by Budapest real estate portfolio owner CPI Hungary and new user-focused energy market provider Energo Hungary, according to a press release sent to the Budapest Business Journal.

The international initiative was set up 16 years ago to bring people together and take steps together toward a sustainable lifestyle. This year, Earth Hour was held on March 26. The symbolic action aims to achieve positive environmental changes through the power of cooperation.

Participating residents and businesses switched off all non-essential equipment for an hour, raising awareness of the necessity of action against climate change.

On March 26, CPI's Balance Hall of CPI was set to energy-efficient mode for one hour between 11 a.m. and 12 noon. During this period, the building's internal temperature dropped by less than 1 degree Celsius.

With this action, CPI Hungary and Energo aimed at drawing attention to companies’ responsibility in achieving sustainability.

Balance Hall is part of a smart grid system, within which energy requirements can be temporarily reduced in case of critical system loads, supporting a sustainable green transition with this dynamic capability.

The energy demand of the participating office building corresponds to the energy demand of over 100 households. The collaborators point out that sustainability is important not only in our homes but also in our workplaces. The significance of sustainable, green buildings is therefore growing day by day.