For a sustainable future

Explore our real estate portfolio on the path to a sustainable future. Discover our green strategies that blend innovation and value in the sustainable development of our buildings. Learn about properties that are not just investments but tools for shaping our future.

-32.4 %

GHG emission intensity by 2030

100 %

switch to 100% renewable electricity by 2024


energy intensity by 2030


water use intensity by 2030


waste recycling rate by end 2025 and 60% by end 2030


a continuous progression in EU Taxonomy compliance

CPIPG is dedicated to high sustainability standards

Energy transition and circular economy

We are investing heavily in green buildings and energy efficiency improvements. We have also set targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and energy intensity by 2030, and to switch to 100% renewable energy by 2024.

Mobility and accessibility

CPIPG actively promotes green mobility methods: cycling, public transport and low-emission modes of transport. Our e-charging points have increased by 155% in 2022 and will continue to grow. We will also replace a significant part of our company fleet with plug-in hybrids by 2024.

Stakeholder engagement

CPIPG engages in an ongoing dialogue with tenants, staff, investors and local communities. It is involved in a number of community initiatives and charitable activities. This is overseen and managed by the Board of Directors.

Employee well-being

CPIPG employs more than 4500 people in an inclusive and diverse culture. In a 2023 survey, 98% of employees said they were proud to work at CPIPG. Despite our size and geographic diversity, we have an inclusive, family business-oriented company culture.

Business ethics

The CPIPG Code of Ethics, formulated in 2019 alongside our Group policies, establishes fundamental behavioral norms for all employees and partners. The regulations are publicly available on our website.

Corporate governance

CPIPG follows the X Principles of Governance published by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Significant improvements have been made since 2019 to continually improve Board independence and internal policies.

Sustainable achievements by CPI Hungary

The Group's portfolio is highly diversified, but dominant in two segments. 46% office, mainly in Berlin, Prague, Warsaw and Budapest, and 24% retail, mainly in the form of regional shopping centres and retail parks in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.

From 2022, the electricity needs of our entire portfolio is supplied exclusively from CEE renewable energy sources with a guarantee of origin.


The above-mentioned achievement reduced our office portfolio’s GHG emission intensity in 2022 by more than 55% compared to 2021.


86% of our office portfolio has BREEAM very good certification.


LED lighting is implemented in 75% of the common areas of our office buildings and garages, and we plan to continue this.


In 50% of our office portfolio, we implemented the Recobin model of selective waste management and we shall carry on improving this.


We have introduced the concept of green leasing: working together with our occupiers to improve the environmental performance of our office buildings.


Reports and presentations

CPIPG Investor Presentation Q3


CPIPG Management Report H1 2023


CPIPG Q3 2023 Results Pr


Sustainable office buildings


Balance Hall

1139 Budapest Váci road 99-105.


Arena Corner

1087 Budapest Hungária boulevard 40-44.


myhive Haller Gardens

1095 Budapest Soroksári road 30-34.